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Good Sam RV Rentals Support
I am a Renter
Setting Up a Renter Account
How do I create an account?
How do I verify my email address and phone number?
How do I add my Good Sam membership to my account?
How do I add or update my payment information?
Cost of Renting an RV
How much does a rental cost?
When do I pay?
Are there any additional fees?
How does the security deposit work?
Booking an RV
How do I rent an RV?
What types of RVs are available for rent?
Where am I able to rent an RV?
Do I have to book the RV where I live?
Do I have to pick up the RV or is there an option to have it delivered?
Do I need a special license to drive an RV?
See all 12 articles
After Submitting a Request
How do I see the status of my rental request?
How long does it take for an owner to respond?
How do I make a change to my booking?
How do I complete my driver verification?
Why did my verification fail?
How do I add additional drivers to my reservation?
See all 10 articles
Preparing for a Rental
How do I prepare for my upcoming rental?
What can I do to make sure my rental is a success?
Can I tow my vehicle behind a rented RV?
During a Rental
Can I submit my rental forms electronically?
What if the RV is not as advertised when I pick it up?
What do I do if there is an issue during a rental?
Where can I take my rental?
Can I extend my booking?
Can I end my rental early?
Ending a Rental
Can I submit my rental forms electronically?
How to I prepare to return the RV?
What is the return process?
Where can I find an itemized receipt for my trip?
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